CHS Broadbent - Efficient, modern grain supply-chain providers with ​access to ​global markets


Grain Marketing  •  Logistics  •  Storage  •  Export  •  Supply Chain

CHS Broadbent export grain all over the world utilising bulk and container export. We operate two modern grain container packing facilities, one in Toowoomba QLD and the other in Ballarat Victoria. The container packing plants combined with our storage and handling facilities, fleet of trucks, access to fast rail and experienced grain marketing team complete the supply chain which allows us to connect Australian farmers direct to consumers all over the world.

Exports - CHS Broadbent

Toowoomba, Queensland

Toowoomba Facility, Queensland - CHS Broadbent

CHS Broadbent’s Northern operations are based around our grain container packing facility in the Southern Queensland regional city of Toowoomba. The site is complemented by our modern transport fleet which services the vast grain growing regions of the Darling Downs, Central Queensland and Northern New South Wales.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Please be advised CHS Broadbent is a PRF site (Pesticide Residue Free). Grain to be delivered into CHS Broadbent Toowoomba must not have been sprayed with any contact pesticides. The use of gas pesticides is acceptable; however, the label withholding period MUST be adhered to.

Contact Details

Heinemann Rd, Charlton QLD 4350 Australia


07 4614 3777


07 4630 4922

Shane Noble - Northern Operations Manager - CHS Broadbent

Shane Noble

Northern Operations Manager

Andrew Barnes - Northern Export Manager - CHS Broadbent

Andrew Barnes

Northern Export Manager

Ballarat, Victoria

Ballarat Facility, Victoria - CHS Broadbent

Our Ballarat Packing Plant commenced operations in March 2017. Complementing our Toowoomba Packing Plant, the Ballarat site allows us to access the global export market from our Southern Operations base. The

site is also the base of our modern transport fleet which supports both our container packing operations and the Victorian and Southern NSW grain growing regions.

Contact Details

3 Cargo Way, Mitchell Park, 3355, VIC, Australia


03 4313 6770


03 5339 9233

Jaime Taylor - Site Supervisor - CHS Broadbent

Jamie Taylor

Site Supervisor

Tim Hayes - Senior Grain Merchant - CHS Broadbent

Tim Hayes

Senior Grain Merchant

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